It would seem that everyone has one of, being the odd man out I decided to make one of my own so as not to be the odd duck!! At this point I am not meshing....although one day I hope to find a brain on sale. Once I do that....well, meshes here I come. In the meantime I am limited to recoloring....which means, pretty much, I really don't have anything anyone would want! 100% of my textures come from the web, even the ones that I have altered to fit a mesh, so I can't really take credit for them, nor allow, or disallow, someone to use them. So, if I use a texture that you just love and have to use, go for it baby. Of course I would always love to see what else can be done with these Internet treasures, so feel free to send me a pm and let me know how creative you are. If you are ever panting for a texture I have used and cannot seem to locate it yourself...pop me pm and I will get it to you. I keep them all.....a total pic packrat if you will! So, nothing ever thrown out here! As for the recolored meshes themselves, I would prefer that they stay here at BPS. If you take pics of them and post them online, or have them in a lot you are uploading, please include a link to BPS, specifically to the download section. Of course, credit is always nice, so a mention in passing would be appreciated as well! Anyway, that's about it. If I can think of more things to make your life difficult I'll let you know. In the meantime please have a wonderful day and enjoy my recolors, as well as all the wonderful, inspired goodies here at BPS!